Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Dua Tahun di SMA Labsky

Juli 2009, saya memulai langkah pertama sebagai siswa SMA Labschool Kebayoran. Melalui masa SMP yang biasa-biasa saja dengan nilai yang biasa-biasa saja juga, sayapun memilih SMA lanjutan dari SMP saya, untuk menjaga status quo.
Hari pertama saya lewati dengan poker face, bukan karena saya sedang main poker, namun karena tidak ada hal yang baru untuk saya. Nametag yang sulit, rambut botak, kakak kelas iseng, dan berbagai hal lain sudah pernah saya alami di SMP. Teman-teman yang berada di sekeliling sayapun bukan muka-muka yang baru, melainkan muka yang sudah saya kenal selama 3 tahun sebelumnya, bahkan ada juga teman lama dari SD dan tempat lainnya. Maka hari pertama berlalu begitu saja tanpa meninggalkan kesan berarti, seperti hari-hari lainnya.
Masa orientasi siswa, atau MOS, adalah kali kedua saya menginjakkan kaki di SMA. Dengan kepala seperti bola ramal, saya menerima arahan tentang dasar-dasar aturan sekolah, budaya labschool, serta pengenalan staff, guru, dan kakak OSIS dan MPK, yang sebagian besar informasinya tidak berubah dari SMP. 3 hari MOS pun berlalu.
Setelah MOS, saya memulai pembelajaran sebagai seorang siswa SMA. Masuk kelas, saya baru sadar bahwa saya berada di kelas percobaan akselarasi, XF. Saya bertemu dengan Yuscha Anindya, teman dari SMP yang saya tidak pernah ingat bagaimana kami berkenalan, lalu ada Andri, Rama, dan belasan lain yang terlalu banyak untuk dijelaskan.
Kejutan datang saat pembelajaran dimulai. Temponya sangat cepat sampai saya terpaksa belajar untuk mengejar ulangan yang biasanya datang dalam 3 pertemuan. Walaupun bisa saya ikuti dengan belajar, saya menyadari bahwa saya tidak menyukai saya yang selalu belajar. Dengan ajakan setan untuk menolak aksel dari Omar, Aya, dan Alvin, sayapun memutuskan untuk menjatuhkan diri ke regular, dengan sedikit perdebatan melawan ibu.  Setelah sebulan berada di kelas itu, surat keputusan yang menerima saya di akselarasi dikeluarkan, yang tentunya saya tolak untuk kembali ke hidup yang santai.
Turun dari aksel, sayapun ditawari pilihan kelas-kelas regular. Karena tidak mau sekelas dengan teman baik saya yang mukanya membosankan, saya katakan pada Ibu Yuyun, guru bk, untuk tidak menempatkan saya di XA,B,dan C. Malam harinya, saya menerima sms yang mengatakan saya masuk XE.
Kali pertama saya di XE bukanlah sesuatu yang akan saya banggakan, karena waktu itu Bpk. Fajar menyuruh saya maju ke depan kelas dan menyuruh saya memperkenalkan diri, sementara saya  sangat malu dan bersembunyi di belakang pintu, punggung pak fajar, dan hal-hal lain yang pada ujungnya membuat saya ditertawakan dan membuat saya merasa sangat cupu. Setelah beberapa minggu disana, saya masih kesulitan beradaptasi, terutama terhadap wanitanya yang membuat saya salting dan kalau tidak saya kacangin, ya saya pk-in. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, sayapun mulai nyaman berada di kelas ini, paling tidak dengan prianya.

Acara pertama yang dihadapi sebagai siswa SMA labschool adalah PILAR. PILAR adalah acara pesantren kilat yang mewajibkan siswanya untuk menginap selama 3 hari di sekolah dan menjalani kegiatan islami. Karena ini kegiatan angkatan pertama nawastra, yang saat itu masih belum bernama, acara inipun dijalani dengan cukup kaku. Namun setelah kami makin mengetahui teman kami melalui acara menginap tersebut, kamipun menjadi lebih akrab.
Setelah PILAR, Pra-TOpun datang. TO adalah singkatan dari Trip Observasi, sebuah acara dimana siswa pergi ke desa dan membuat penelitian serta merasakan kehidupan desa. Pada Pra-TO, kami dibagi dalam kelompok kecil dan digojlok oleh kakak OSIS. Kami dipersiapkan untuk menjalani program TO. Pada Pra-TO ini, angkatan kami mendapatkan nama “Nawa Drastha Sandyadhira” yang yang berarti “Angkatan 9 yang Bermahkotakan Persatuan Yang Kokoh”. Dengan ketua angkatan umum Nabel, yang didampingi Olaf dan Danto, kami mengelu-elukan nama angkatan kami yang memiliki arti yang sangat unik, dan dapat disingkat menjadi “Nawastra”.
TO dimulai setelahnya. Hal yang mengejutkan pada TO adalah perlakuan kakak kelas OSIS dan MPK yang tidak sekeras dan seketat pada waktu pra-TO. Di TO, saya sejujurnya hanya bermalas-malasan dan minum air kelapa di kebun orang tua asuh saya. Hanya pada saat seperti PKD, surcin, atau penjelajahan, saya turun tangan. Saya juga didampingi oleh kakak osis yang sangat lucu, karena ia trauma terhadap saya. 5 hari TO pun berlalu dengan cepat dan tanpa terasa, kami harus meninggalkan desa Kiara Pedes.
Ahir semester, tahun baru, dan libuar semester berlalu begitu saja tanpa ada hal besar yang terjadi, Alhamdulillah. Setelah hal tersebut, datanglah studi wisata ke bandung. Seluruh kelas X pergi ke bandung dan mengadakan penelitian. Sebagai orang yang agak ansos, sebagian besar dari studi ini saya habiskan di tempat tinggal sudara yang kebetulan berada di bandung. Sementara teman-teman berjalan-jalan di bandung, saya menikmati waktu saya dengan kehidupan rumah, lagi. Beberapa kali saya bergabung kembali dengan teman saat saya dikirimi kabar bahwa saya mulai dicari. Bandung pun saya lewati dengan ngantuk.
Sekitar studi wisata tersebut, saya lupa tepatnya kapan, terjadi sebuah kejadian penting, yaitu first job atau job pertama untuk Lamuru bagi angkatan Nawastra. Memang sudah telat, karena rata-rata kakak kelas sudah melakukan first job saat semester 1. Saya ingat kami berangkat ke SD Asisi Menteng Dalam untuk tampil. Perasaan saya pertama kali deg-degan, takut, tapi ingin berhasil. Campur aduk mungkin kata yang paling tepat untuk merepresentasikan perasaan saya dan 20 teman lainnya siang itu. Pada akhirnya, berjalan lancar.
Di semester dua ini, teman-teman yang berambisi menjadi OSIS mengikuti serangkaian tes dan uji bakat dan kemampuan berorganisasi. Banyak makhluk labil yang mengundurkan diri di beberapa tahap awal, dan sebagian yang serius sedih karena gugur pada seleksinya. Pada ahirnya, sekitar 50 orang terpilih menjadi calon OSIS, yang biasa disebut CAPSIS.
Di akhir semester, setelah selesai UKK(ujian kenaikan kelas), kami dihadapkan pada acara terahir kelas X, yaitu bintama. Bintama adalah acara kerjasama antara labschool dan kopassus dimana siswa peserta harus mengikuti semacam pelatihan atau kamp militer selama 1 minggu di kamp kopassus serang atau batujajar. Pada saat smp, saya sudah pernah mengikuti pelatihan semacam ini dengan nama bimensi, jadi saya tidak takut dan sudah rileks, walaupun sangat malas. Berdasarkan pengalaman bimensi, saya berpikir bahwa bintama akan keras dan menyiksa, namun ternyata tidak separah itu. Pelatih kopassus masih suka bercanda dan bahkan menari dan menyanyi dangdut bersama kami. Sayapun akhirnya menyelesaikan bimensi dengan rasa lega.
Setelah bimensi, datanglah yaumul hisab dengan nama rapot. Saya menerima rapot kelas X dan masuk ke jurusan IPA, yang selalu saya inginkan, atau mungkin hanya karena saya tidak berkemampuan untuk masuk IPS.  Saat masuk tahun ajaran baru, saya ditempatkan di XI IPA 1, dengan wali kelas Pak Osa. Awal-awal tahun pembelajaran terasa begitu sepi, karena banyak sekali teman-teman yang absen dari kelas karena mengikuti misi buada ke eropa, atau seleksi OSIS. Dengan kekosongan ini, belajar menjadi lebih khushuk, namun terasa cukup hampa karena biasanya kelas bising. Suasanya ini bertahan selama beberapa bulan hingga ahirnya para petugas misi budaya kembali ke tengah-tengah kelas.
Pada 17 Agustus 2010, calon OSIS angkatan nawastra mengikuti Lalinju. Lalinju adalah sebuah acara penyerahan jabatan OSIS dari yang sedang memegang jabatan, ke adik kelas calon OSISnya. Siswa-siswi semua diwajibkan menonton. Pada akhir acara, OSIS angkatan 9 pun resmi memegang jabatan. OSIS angkatan 9 mengusung nama Dranadaraka Wiraksaka, dan MPK memakai nama Bathara Satya Hayaskara. Menamai OSIS dengan bahasa sansekerta sudah menjadi tradisi labschool dari dulu. Mungkin sedikit dari siswa, bahkan angkatan saya sendiri, yang mengetahui arti nama tersebut, namun nama selalu membuat bangga sebagai identitas.
Pada bulan januari, setelah memasuki semester 2 kelas XI, seluruh nawastra studi tour ke Yogyakarta. Di jogja, kami mengunjungi keraton Yogyakarta, candi prambanan, lalu menonton sendratari dan sosialisasi UGM. Kami juga mengunjungi pabrik jamu PT Air Mancur dan sritext, tempat pembuatan seragam militer yang diekspor ke mancanegara. Pada penghujung acara, kami berkunjung ke SMA Muhammadiyah 1 untuk bersosialisasi. Seperti kelas X, saya menelpon teman saya di Yogyakarta dan menghabiskan banyak sekali waktu di rumahnya, bukan mengikuti program. Kamipun ahirnya pulang ke Jakarta naik pesawat(lagi).
Airport Fashion XII IPA 1 Nawastra
Kelas 11 bisa dibilang sangat santai, karena banyak program kerja OSIS dengan panitia dari angkatan kami, jadi banyak sekali kelas yang muridnya izin kepanitiaan. Seperti SkyBattle contohnya, banyak sekali yang izin untuk urusan kepanitiaan, mungkin benar kerja, mungkin cuma cabut, tapi hal ini membuat banyak guru tidak masuk kelas dan membuat saya gampang kabur(thx). Saya sendiri tidak pernah tertarik menjadi panitia acara sekolah, karena ada iuran panitia. JIG, Skylite dan acara sky-sky lainnya pun berjalan dan pada ahirnya berpuncak di SkyAvenue.
Pada ahir tahun, saya dihadapkan dengan UKK, yang saya lewati dengan nilai yang mencukupi. Setelah itu selesai, kelas saya sebenarnya mengadakan refleksi ke tanjung lesung, tapi karena berhalangan, saya terpaksa tidak ikut. Jujur, pada saat itu saya merasa ada yang mengganjal karena tidak mengikuti perpisahan. Namun, pengganjal itu hilang saat saya masuk kelas XII.
Kelas XII, saya menemukan diri saya berada di kelas XII IPA 1. Saya pikir lucu juga saya lagi-lagi IPA 1 dan saya menanti siapa teman sekelas saya. Pada saat mengetahui susunan kelas, sayapun tertawa, karena siswa penghuni XII IPA 1 tidak berbeda jauh dengan XI IPA 1, yang membuat saya berpikir, perpisahannya bagaimana itu??
Sekian autobiografi tentang saya selama 2 tahun ke belakang. Semoga bisa bermanfaat.

Mandala Knights

Entering a museum, we immediately jumped into the shadows of the past. The days that most generations have never experienced it. That is the function of a museum, convey and inform future generations, that important events have happened before his time arrives.

Museum Satria Mandala is one of the military history museum located quite strategically, on the road Jend. Gatot Subroto No.14 Jakarta Selatan. The building was formerly known as Wisma Yaso, the residence of Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno (President Sukarno's third wife) and Bung Karno’s burial place before buried in Blitar. This museum of historical objects relating to the military struggle from 1945 until now.

Travel history to the museum is a very frugal budget tours. Satria Mandala at the Museum, we are only paying adult ticket and Rp.750 Rp.1.500 for children. While for the 5,000 bus vehicles once inside, to the private car Rp.2.000 first two hours and motorcycle Rp.1.000 for the first hour. Very frugal is not it? we've got the holidays memorable at the same time a useful science.

To see all the museum collections, should be down the hall for the sake of space exploration.After buying tickets at the booth, entered the first room through the door with a shiny black wood carving. The first collections that we have encountered is the concept handwritten text of the proclamation by President Soekarno. Then enter the hallway that contains dioramas depict events and military struggle, totaling 74 dioramas.

Above is the diorama at the Museum Satria Mandala depicting bodies of armed struggle in the war for independence. In the early days of this Republic, precisely August 23, 1945, formed the People's Safety Agency(Badan Keamanan Rakyat/ BKR) whose members originated from paramilitary people (Seinendan, Gokutotai, etc.), PETA (Defenders of the Homeland), and the KNIL (Koninklijk Leger Nederlandsche Indie). BKR later changed to the People's Security Army on October 5, 1945, which was then celebrated as the birth of the TNI.

Afterwards we will go to great generals room and collection. Among Non-General Sudirman, one of the disposable litter collection time lead Guerilla War. And the latest collection jendaral room is about Soeharto, major generals and a former president of Indonesia's two phenomenal leader. Also displated in this room, a sedan chairs as Satria Mandala Museum collection, which is used to transport General Sudirman when guerrilla army against the Dutch during the war of independence. General Sudirman led the guerrilla during the eight months between the years 1948-1949, with a distance of about 1000 km in Central Java and East Java.
Entering the basement we will see a collection of heavy and light weapons. In addition there is a collection of the banners and symbols of TNI. After that should come out to see the collections on display outside, such as various types of aircraft relics of the past. One of them is Curen aircraft ever flown by Augustine Adi Sucipto. There is also a war such as armored vehicles and tanks, ambulances, sedan that had become a target and the jeep, which is owned by General Sudirman newest museum collections.

Other facilities at the Museum Satria Mandala is a Child Reading Park, Souvenir Shop, or Cafeteria Cafeteria, praying along with toilets, and multipurpose room or auditorium with a capacity of 600 seats for various events and meetings. The museum opened on Tuesday until the week at 09.00 s / d 14:30, closed Mondays and holidays.

Me and my friends at satria mandala

"Forever Alone"
Model : Alvin Zulfikar, Photographer : Me
Location : Museum Satria Mandala

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

A Visit to Transportation Museum: My DAMRI My Barbeque

            What is DAMRI? Why would DAMRI be asociated with barbeque anyway? I’m sorry if the tittle of my article here is a little bit weird, strange, or even irrelevant. I’m not going to tell you story about crazy men eating buses nor buses being burnt down by angry people in a demonstration-against-government or anything like that. What I’m going to tell you is just about my visit to the transportation museum in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah on a sunny Sunday morning, 29 May 2011 at 09:00. At first, I wanted to visit a museum near my house, Basuki Abdullah Art Museum on Keuangan street at Cilandak. What makes it special is that the museum was originally a house, not just any random house. It was the house where the maestro used to live. I had searched all over the internet informations about that museum and it should be open everyday except on Mondays but unfortunately, that museum was on renovation so I had to find another interesting museum to be reviewed, and that was Transportation Museum since I frequently use bus as a daily transportation for me. I know and I believe that even buses and each kinds of public transportions here bears its own unique history, interesting stories that should be told but somehow kept untold and transportation museum is the right place to rediscover uniqueness of each of them.
            The museum itself is different from most museums where you can just find artefacts being displayed on dark room with little amount of lighting. It makes great place in your must-visit-list this holiday. What makes it interestingly different is it has two kinds of show room; the outdoor and the indoor showroom. For those who are intersted to take a look at how the transportations in the past look like, or just want to take a peek on the interior of each transportations, the outdoor museum might be a satisfying place to make it happens. You can see Garuda DC-9 PK-NGT, which used to serve ASEAN-Australia flight service, an orange rescue team (SAR) helicopter, locomotives, buses and cars in their real-life size. Don’t get me wrong, the indoor showroom is also as interesting as the outdoor showroom. Oh no, don’t imagine your average indoor museums, which are sometimes dark and somewhat gloomy. The lighting here is infact actually pretty good. No, it doesn’t mean that it consume very much electricity just for the lighting, it take good use of the natural lighting, the sun (lol) as it has wide windows with many glass doors inside. In the indoor showroom, you can find miniatures and pictures or even diorama about the transports and it also is a great place to find out tales of each of the transportations where they were more than interesting just-for-show photo background or funny display museums. The museum is even multifunctional, it can also be used as meeting room and it makes a great venue for special occasions. When I visited the museum, I saw elementary school students with their white and red uniform accompanied by their teacher celebrating graduation day.  The museum is divided into four modules or sections, which are central transpostation section where you can find more about onthel bicycle, andong, becak, cikar and many other manual transportation, their history, their uniqueness, and even their important roles in the past. The other three sections are the water transportation section, which is about great tales boats and ships, air transportation module where you can find musch about planes and helicopters that once ruled the sky, and last but not least land transportation section where you can enjoy the awsomeness of some great cars, buses and motorbikes that used to roamed the streets, which you can’t find the on the streets no more but in movies and here.

            In this article, I’d like to tell you more about DAMRI. Like my previous question, actually, what is DAMRI?  If you think that DAMRI is just somekind or a type of bus, or just bus that helps us go or leave the airport, think again. DAMRI is a public transportation company that was very important in the past. Even though it is still exist until today, it doesn’t play major role in our daily transportation service, one of the function of DAMRI today is as a transportion to go to or to leave the airport, like I’ve said before. Sorry if I go out of topic, I remembered the first time I took DAMRI to go home fom the Soekarno-Hatta Airport with my friend, Fajar as eleventh grade senior highschool students after our arrival from our study trip in Jogjakarta. We had to take the bus because (sadly) our parents couldn’t pick us up at the airport. That time, the price of the ticket to ride the bus was 25.000 Rupiah, worth the service and the comfortabilities we accepted. Back to our previous topic, is DAMRI stands for something? Right, DAMRI is an accronime which stands for “Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia”. But, do you know that DAMRI has it’s own long history, and it once played important role in the colonial period towards independence period? Yeah, DAMRI isn’t just as simple as daily street-roamer bus.
            Like I’ve stated before, DAMRI stands for “Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia” and was founded and inaugurated by  “Makloemat Kementerian Perhoeboengan RI No.01/DAMRI/46 “ in 25 November 1946, as an organizer of public transport and goods delivery transportation. In it’sdevelopment as “Perusahaan Umum” (Perum), or public company in english, the name DAMRI is still used as a brand mark of a “Badan Usaha Milik Negara” (BUMN), or state-owned company, and still exist today consistently serves as a service provider for public transportation and goods delivery service using buses and trucks If we intent to seek DAMRI’s history furthermore, the foundation of what we called DAMRI today had existed from the Japanese colonial period in 1943. At that time, there were two transportation companies. The two companies were  JAWA UNYU ZIGYOSHA which served as goods delivery service using trucks and cikars (cart), and dan ZIDOSHA SOKYOKU which served as public transportation using motorized vehicles such as buses. In 1945, the year when Indonesians celebrating their independence, under ministry of transportation (Kementerian Perhoeboengan), the two transportation company was natonalized, hence JAWA UNYU ZIGYOSHA was renamed “DJAWATAN PENGANGKOETAN” and ZIDOSHA SOKYOKU was renamed “DJAWATAN ANGKOETAN DARAT”. In order to maximilize the operational of transportation, the two nationalized transportation companies merged and named “Djawatan Angkoetan Darat Bermotor” (DADB) under “Panitia Angkoetan Darat” (PAD) / Land Transport Comitee. Finally, in 25 November 1946 based on “Makloemat Menteri Perhoeboengan RI No.01/DAM/46”, DADB once again renamed and the name given was..... “Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia” or DAMRI (Yay!). The main mission of DAMRI, once again, (I hope you still remember) is to organize or as a service provider of land transportation. This noble task made DAMRI played an active role in maintaining the independence of Indonesia against Dutch military agression in Java.

            Was DAMRI really that important? Of course, although DAMRI that time wasn’t similar to today’s DAMRI. One of most important and interesting points to remember, is that the first armada of DAMRI wasn’t simply just buses and trucks. Guess what, other than buses and trucks, DAMRI took good use of cikars too. What is cikar anyway? Cikar means “Cattle-Drawn Carriage”. The carriage was 515 cm in length, 200 cm in width, and 275 cm in height.  These cikars was operated in 1945 until 1950. In 1946, the cikars was functionalized as military logistic transport in Banyumas, Surabaya and Mojokerto. Maybe now, you’ve already know what the tittle of this means. That’s right, after transporting goods or the stocks ran out, the cattle was released from its carriage and......slaughtered and then cooked (or barbecued) as food. To erase the trace, the wooden carriage was burnt down to ashes. Since motorized vehicles massal produced and used as massal transportation, the cikars had seen better days and leave their task to motorized vehicles. The era of cikar was finally over.

Until now, DAMRI has a network of service spread almost throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In the normal course of business now, DAMRI not only organize urban transportation service, transportation between cities, airports special transport, freight travel, package transportation (logistics) and transport pioneer, but it already goes DAMRI by opening a regional cross-border transport services. Especially in cross-border transportation service beginning with the opening of the route Pontianak-Kuching (Malaysia) some years ago, starting from the date of October 26, 2008 has been expanded to Brunei Darussalam (Pontianak-Kuching-Brunei Darussalam). In the near future will soon be followed by opening the service to Papua New Guinea (Jayapura-Vanimo) and East Timor (Kupang-Dili).

As we know DAMRI in any era is also a means of transportation of goods other than as just as passenger transportation. It can be seen on the DAMRI truck American-made Internal Harpenter brand. This truck was operated in 1963, the same year of its manufacturation. Unfortunately, there were only a miniature course here. For bus passengers, bus DAMRI next to me this is an old bus DAMRI that I find most similar to the DAMRI bus nowadays. Which is in the photo is DAMRI branded TATA Bus type LP, 1210.E and was made ​​in India. This bus has a length of 9.5 meters, 2.4 meters wide and 2.9 meters high and contains between 30-40 passengers and can be classified as medium-size buses. Buses began operating in 1978 in Surabaya, Semarang and Bandung. In this photo, can be seen this bus route is Cicaheum-Cibeureum in Bandung. My visit to this museum makes me yearn to ride this bus again as a DAMRIDER and makes me want to explore about DAMRI further. It’s a valuable memory that I wouldn’t forget.




Location of buildings Puppet Museum on Jl. Great Northern No. door. 27. was originally a location of an old church that was founded VOC in 1640 under the name "de oude Hollandsche Kerk" until the year 1732 that serves as a place to worship civilians and soldiers of the Dutch who lived in Batavia

In 1733 the church underwent repairs, and the name was changed to "de Nieuwe Kerk Hollandsche" and stood until 1808. In the courtyard of this church is now a park open space Puppet Museum, in it there is a small park with the inscription, inscriptions, amounting to 9 (nine) of fruit that displays the names of Dutch officials who had buried in the churchyard.

Among the inscriptions are written the name of Jan Pieterszoon Coen, a Governor General who successfully took the city Jayakarta on May 30, 1619 after a power P. Jayakarta paralyzed by disagreement with the Sultan of Banten, Heeren XVII In 1621 Coen ordered to wear the name of the port city of Jayakarta to Batavia. City of Batavia was built by Coen on Jayakarta debris by creating a mock city in accordance with the cities in the Netherlands.

As a result of the earthquake, the New Dutch Church buildings had been damaged. Furthermore, the site of the former church building that was built as it now appears to function as a warehouse owned by Geo Wehry & Co. company. The face of the museum was built in 1912 by Noe Reinaissance style, and in 1938 all parts of the building was restored and adapted to the style of the Dutch house in the days of the Company.

In accordance besluit Dutch Government, dated August 14, 1936 has been set into the building and land monuments. Subsequently purchased by Bataviaasch Genootschap Kunsten van en Wetenschappen (BG) is an independent institution established for the purpose of advancing research in the arts and sciences, especially in the fields of biology, physics, archeology, literature, ethnology and history, and publishing research results.

In 1937 the building handed over to the agency Stichting oud Batavia and later converted into a museum by the name "de oude Bataviasche Museum" or the museum of Old Batavia "the opening made ​​by the last Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Jonkheer Meester Aldius Warmoldu Tjarda Lambertus van Starkenborg Stachouwer (22 December 1939)

Ever since the Japanese occupation and the revolution of independence of Indonesia museum building is not maintained. In 1957 Indonesia submitted to the Cultural Institutions (IFIs) and since then the museum's name changed to Old Jakarta Museum

On August 1, 1960 its name shortened to the Jakarta Museum. On September 17, 1962 by IFI submitted to the government of Indonesia cq Ministry of Education and Culture and in the end on June 23, 1968 by the Director General of Ministry of Culture. Education and Culture museum building handed over to the Government of DKI Jakarta and in this building is also the Office of Jakarta History Museum and offices

Since removals Jakarta Museum (now the Jakarta History Museum) to the former building KODIM 0503 West Jakarta which was formerly called the building Stadhuis / City Hall, the former office building of Jakarta History Museum and then used as the Puppet Museum. The idea of ​​founding the Museum Wayang is when the Governor of Jakarta H. Ali Sadikin while attending Week Puppet II in 1974. With the support of the organizers of the event, Governor of DKI Jakarta with puppet lovers, The Jakarta administration designate the building located on Jl. Great Northern No. door. 27 as the Puppet Museum.

As a companion Nawangi Puppet Museum Foundation was founded by H. Budiardjo as General Chairman. Furthermore, the Foundation appointed Ir. Haryono Haryo Guritno as the founding project leader of the Wayang Museum. After setup is complete then the puppet collection on August 13, 1975 opening of the Museum was inaugurated by Governor of Jakarta Puppet H. Ali Sadikin. Puppet Museum is a Technical Implementation Unit Department of Culture and Museum in the last puppet based on the Decree of DKI Jakarta Governor No. 134 of 2002 on the Organization and Administration of the Department of Culture and Museum Province of Jakarta Special Capital Region (Chapter VIII, Article 33, 1).
Puppet Known since prehistoric times that is about 1500 years, Puppet Museum displaying various types and forms of puppets from all over Indonesia, both made of wood and leather and other materials.

Puppets from abroad there is also here, for example from the People's Republic of China and Cambodia. Until now the Puppet Museum collects more than 4,000 pieces consist of puppet shadow play, puppet show, shadow boxes, shadow grass, leaf puppets, masks, dolls, puppets and gamelan beber.

Generally dolls in the collection in this museum are the dolls that come from Europe although some are derived from several non-European countries such as Thailand, Suriname, China, Vietnam, India and Colombia.

In addition it also periodically held puppet at week 2 and 3 per month.

On November 7, 2003, the UN decided to recognize the Indonesian wayang as a world heritage that should be preserved.
Wayang kulit is the traditional art of Indonesia, which is mainly developed in Java, leather puppets played by a puppeteer who is also the narrator-character dialogue tokok puppet, accompanied by gamelan music played nayaga group and song sung by the singer.

Plays puppet puppeteer behind the curtain, the screen is made of white cloth, while the lights flashed behind electric or oil lamps (blencong), so that the spectators who were on the other side of the screen can see the shadow puppet that falls into the screen. To understand the story of wayang (the play), the audience must have knowledge of puppet characters whose image appears on the screen.

From its shape is the oldest form of all forms of wayang in Indonesia. Puppet is a contribution from the Directorate of Arts, The history of the Balinese shadow play puppets come from the development of stone reliefs in Blitar. Examples of such wayangnya Bhima, Arjuna, Puntadewa, Anoman, Subali, Sugriva, etc..

Balinese shadow puppets there are several kinds, namely:
1. Wayang Purwa
2. Wayang Wong Purwa
3. Leather Puppet Sweep Legel
4. Puppet Skin Weak
5. Candidates Charcoal Leather Puppet
6. Wayang Wong Purwa

Purwa Balinese shadow play tells the story of "Mahabharata and Ramayana", and staged on the day of the Hindu Kingdom and festivals. Legel Sweep puppets used for the ceremonial rites of human life such as birth of a baby, birth Hyang Kumara, etc.. Weak puppet used for ceremonies Yadnya god, who took the play is the story of philosophy such as Dewa Ruci. Balinese shadow puppets are owned by the Museum Wayang shadow puppets made ​​Purwa 1969 and Charcoal leather puppet candidate.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Rumus Matematika Kelas XII IPS Semester 2


  1. Notasi Sigma
Secara umum, pengertian notasi sigma adalah sebagai berikut.

Text Box:                                                                                 

Dibaca “jumlah ak untuk k sama dengan 1 sampai n atau jumlah ak untuk k =1 sampai dengan k = n

Berikut ini sifat – sifat notasi sigma yang perlu diperhatikan. 
1. ak = a1 + a2 + a3 + … + an
2. (ak + bk) =  ak + bk
3. cak = c ak
4. ak = ak – p
5. c = (n – m + 1)c
6. ak + ak = ak
7. ak = 0
8. (ak + bk)2 = ak2 + 2 ak bk + bk2

1.   Barisan Aritmetika
            Misalkan suatu barisan bilangan adalah U1, U2, U3, U4, …, Un-1, Un.
         Barisan bilangan tersebut dikatakan barisan aritmetika, jika selisih untuk setiap suku ke-n (Un) dengan suku sebelumnya (Un-1) adalah tetap (konstan). Selisih tersebut dinamakan beda (b).
         Misalkan suku pertama = a, beda b, maka
               U1,          U2,             U3,       ...,           Un

                a,        a + b,  a +  2b, …, a+(n – 1)b    

Dengan demikian, rumus suku ke-n barisan aritmatika adalah :
Text Box: Un = a+ (n -1)b 

Suku Tengah ( Ut)

Jika bilangan berurutan a, b, c membemtuk barisan aritmatika, maka    
            terdapat hubungan.
               2b = a + c atau
               2 ( suku tengah ) = jumlah suku tepi
       Contoh :
              -4, 2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32. merupakan barisan aritmatika karena
               2.14 = 8 + 20 = 2 + 26 = -4 + 32
      b.  Jika empat bilangan berurutan a, b, c, d, membemtuk barisan aritmatika,  
           maka terdapat hubungan.
               b + c = a + d atau
               jumlah suku tengah = jumlah suku tepi
       Contoh :
                3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23 merupakan barisan aritmatika karena
                11 + 15 = 7 + 19 = 3 + 23
   Contoh :

 Deret Aritmatika ( Deret Hitung )
       Deret Aritmatika adalah bentuk penjumlahaan barisan aritmatika. Jika U1, U2, U3, …,Uadalah barisan aitmatika, maka U1 + U2 + U3 + …,Un merupaka  deret aritmatika. Jumlah n suku pertama disimbolkan dengan Sn.
Sn =  U1 + U2 + U3 + …,Un
Rumus jumlah n suku pertama adalah :

Text Box: Sn =  
Sn =

Menerapkan Konsep Barisan dan Deret Geometri
Barisan Geometri
      Misalkan suatu barisan bilangan adalah U1, U2, U3, U4, …, Un-1, Un
Barisan bilangan tersebut dikatakan barisan geometri, jika nilai perbandingan untuk setiap suku ke – n ( Un ) dengan suku sebelumnya ( Un-1) adalah tetap. Nilai perbandingan itu disebut rasio ( r ), ditulis :
                   R =

      Dimana  r ≠ 0 atau r ≠ 1
            Misalkan suku pertama sama dengan a, rasio sama dengan r, maka :
               U1,          U2,             U3,       ...,           Un

                a,        ar,         ar2 , …     ,arn – 1 
       Dengan demikian, rumus suku ke – n barisan geometri adalah :

Text Box: Un = arn-1


Deret Geometri
            Deret geometri adalah bentuk penjumlahan suku – suku barisan geometri.
      Jika U1, U2, U3, U4, …, Un-1, Un adalah barisan geometri, maka U1 + U2 + U3 + …,Un
        merupaka  deret geometri. Jumlah n suku pertama disimbolkan dengan (Sn)
Sn =  U1 + U2 + …, Un-1 + Un
Rumus jumlah n suku pertama adalah :

Text Box:             


4.   Deret Geometri Takhingga
            Jika suatu deret geometri, Sn =  U1 + U2 + …, Un-1 + Un  dengan n mendekati takhingga, maka deret geometri tersebut dikatakan sebagai deret geometri tak hingga dan di tulis  dengan
      S=  U1 + U2 + …, Un-1 + …
Sehingga,runus jumlah deret geometri takhingga untuk


1.      Pengertian  Program Linier
Program linier  adalah suatu cara penyelesaian masalah dengan menggunakan konsep pertidaksamaan linier.
a. Pertidaksamaan linier dengan ditentukan daerah penyelesaian nya.
       Sebelum kita membahas lebih lanjut kita harus mengetahui terlebih dahulu tentang perstidaksamaan linier dan juga cara menentukan daerah penyelsaian ( himpunan penylesaian).
      Petidasamaan linier adalah kalimat terbuka yang menggunakan tanda <, >, , dan  

Contoh :
1.Tentukan himpunan  penyelesaian dari
      a. x < 3                        d. y > 2
      b.x  2                        e. y  -1
      c. y  > - 3
Jawab :

x = 3
1.a. x < 3

. Sistem pertidaksamaan linier dengan dua variable ditentukan daerah
Contoh 1 : 
    Tunjukan  himpunan penyelesaian yang memenuhi system pertidaksamaan
     2x + y ≤ 6 ; x ≥ 0 ; y ≥ 0, untuk x,y  R
      Jawab :
     Langkah – langkah :
     Lukislah grafik 2x + y ≤ 6 dengan cara :
     i.  Tentukan titik potong sumbu x dan sumbu y dengan table
         Jika x = 0 maka y = 6
         Jika y = 0 maka x = 3
     ii. Buatlah garis  x = 0 , yang merupakan sumbu y , derah yang memenuhi adalah  
         daerah di sebelah kanan sumbu y.
     iii.Buatlah garis  y = 0 , yang merupakan sumbu x , derah yang memenuhi adalah  
         daerah di atas sumbu x.
     iv.Ganbar grafik dalam koordinatkartesius sehingga terlihat himpunan 
         penylesaiannya :
     v. Daerah grafik yang diarsir. Uji titik ( 0,0 ) maka 2.0 + 0 ≤ 6 maka titik ( 0,0 )

                -     -      -                 +      +      +

Contoh 2 :
  1. Menetukan Model Matematika Dari Soal Cerita ( Kalimat Verbal )

Model matematika adalah suatu cara penyelesaian masalah dengan cara mengubah bentuk kalimat verbal menjadi suatu model yang selanjutnya diselesaikan dengan pendekatan matematika.

Contoh :

Seorang pembuat paku membuat jenis paku dari bahan yang tersedia yaitu 5,5 kg A dan 2 kg bahan B. Paku jenis I tiap buah memerlukan 200 gram bahan A dan 75 gram bahan B sedangkan paku jenis II tiap buah memerlukan 150 gram bahan jenis A dan 50 gram bahan jenis B.
Jika pengusaha menjual paku I dengan harga Rp 500,00 dan paku II dengan harga Rp 350,00 maka hitunglah berapa buah paku I dan paku II yang harus dibuat agar penghasilan pengusaha maksimum?

Jawab :
Mengubah bentuk verbal menjadi model matematika dari soal diatas
Misalkan : Paku jenis I = x dan
                              Paku jenis II = y
Bahan A
Bahan B
Paku jenis I
200 gram
75 gram
Paku jenis II
150 gram
50 gram
5.500 gram
2.000 gram
Berdasarkan table sebelumnya didapat persamaan sebagai berikut :

200x + 150y ≤ 5.500
75x + 50y ≤ 2.000
x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0
Sedangkan fungsi objektifnya adalah z = 500x + 350y
Kita sederhanakan dulu persamaan diatas
200x + 150y ≤ 5.500 4x + 3y ≤ 110
75x + 50y ≤ 2.000      3x + 2y ≤ 80
x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0
Mencari dearah penyelesaian untuk system pertidaksamaan di atas

   4x + 3y ≤ 110                             

  3x + 2y ≤ 80

Titik potong garis 4x + 3y = 110 dan 3x + 2y = 80 adalah
4x + 3y = 110   x2  8x + 6y = 220
3x + 2y = 80     x3  9x + 6y = 240      
                               - x         = -20
                                        x   =  20    
untuk x = 20
3x + 2y = 80 3.20 + 2y = 80
                                      2y = 80 – 60
                                        y =  = 10 maka titik potong (20,10)
Gambar grafik fungsi penyelesaiannya

3x + 2y = 80

Daerah  himpunan penyelesaian adalah OABC, sedangkan titik –titik
      optimumnya adalah O(0,0), A(80/3,0), B(20,10), dan C(0,110/3)
Nilai fungsi obyeknya adalah :
      Untuk O(0,0)        z = 500.0 + 350.0 = 0
      UntukA(80/3,0)   z = 500.80/3 + 350.0 = 13.000
      UntukB(20,10)    z = 500.20 + 350.10 = 13.500
      UntukC(0,110/30z = 500.0 + 350.110/3 = 12.000
Jadi agar mendapat penghasilan maksimum yaitu Rp 13.500,00 maka
      pengusaha harus membuat 20 buah paku I dan 10 buah paku II.

C.    Menentukan Nilai Optimum dari Sistem Pertidaksamaan Linier.
D.    Garis Selidik dengan Prsamaan ax + by = k

Untuk menentukan nilai optimum,selain dengan mencari titik – titik yang koordinat – koordinatnya memenuhi syarat yang diberikan, dapat juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan garis – garis sejajar itu mempunyai persamaan ax + by = k ,dengan k  R dan ax + by merupakan bentuk obyektif. Kerena garis – garis yang sejajar itu di gunakan untuk menyelidiki nilai optimum,maka garis – garis itu disebut garis selidik.Agar himpunan garis – garis sejajar ax + by = k mudah dilukis, maka mulailah dengan melukis garis yang melalui tttik pangkal , yaitu jika k = 0. Kemudian, garis – garis ax + by = k untuk k = 1,2,3,4, ……dilukis dengan penggaris.

Contoh :
Tentukan nilai maksimum dari 3x + 2y yang memenuhi :

x + y ≤ 5 ; x ≥ 0 ;y ≥ 0

Jawab ;   
3x +2y = k2 maka 3.0 + 2.5 = 10
            3x +2y = k2 maka 3.5 + 2.0 = 15
            Jadi nilai maksimum adalah 15



Mencari nilai integral


Contoh soal:
Cari nilai dari: \int \frac{ln x}{x}\,dx\,
t = \ln x, dt = \frac{dx}{x}
\int \frac{ln x}{x}\,dx\, = \int t\,dt
= \frac {1}{2} t^2 + C
= \frac {1}{2} ln^2x + C

Integrasi parsial

Integral parsial menggunakan rumus sebagai berikut:
\int f'(x)g(x)\,dx = f(x)g(x) - \int f(x)g'(x)\,dx
Contoh soal:
Cari nilai dari: \int \ln x \,dx\,
f'(x) = 1, f(x) = x, g(x) = ln x, g'(x) = \frac{1}{x}\,
Gunakan rumus di atas
\int \ln x\ dx = x ln x - \int x\frac{1}{x}\,dx\,
= x ln x - \int  1\,dx\,
= x ln x - x + C\,

Substitusi trigonometri

Bentuk Gunakan
\sqrt{a^2-b^2x^2}\, x = \frac{a}{b}\sin \alpha\,
\sqrt{a^2+b^2x^2}\,  \!\, x = \frac{a}{b}\tan \alpha\,
\sqrt{b^2x^2-a^2}\, \, x = \frac{a}{b}\sec \alpha\,
Contoh soal:
Cari nilai dari: \int \frac{dx}{x^2\sqrt{x^2+4}}\,
x = 2 \tan A, dx = 2 \sec^2 A\,dA\,
\int \frac{dx}{x^2\sqrt{x^2+4}}\,
= \int \frac {2 sec^2 A\,dA}{(2 tan A)^2\sqrt{4 + (2 tan A)^2}}\,
= \int \frac {2 sec^2 A\,dA}{4 tan^2A\sqrt{4 + 4 tan^2A}}\,
= \int \frac {2 sec^2 A\,dA}{4 tan^2A\sqrt{4(1+tan^2A)}}\,
= \int \frac {2 sec^2 A\,dA}{4 tan^2A\sqrt{4 sec^2A}}\,
= \int \frac {2 sec^2 A\,dA}{4 tan^2A.2sec A}\,
= \int \frac {sec A\,dA}{4 tan^2A}\,
= \frac {1}{4}\int \frac {secA\,dA}{tan^2A}\,
= \frac {1}{4}\int \frac{cos A}{sin^2A}\,dA\,
Cari nilai dari: \int \frac{cos A}{sin^2A}\,dA\, dengan menggunakan substitusi
t = sin A, dt = cos A\,dA\,
\int \frac{cos A}{sin^2A}\,dA\,
= \int \frac{dt}{t^2}\,
= \int t^{-2}\,dt\,
= -t^{-1} + C= -\frac{1}{sin A} + C\,
Masukkan nilai tersebut:
= \frac {1}{4}\int \frac{cos A}{sin^2A}\,dA\,
= \frac {1}{4}.-\frac{1}{sin A} + C\,
= -\frac {1}{4 sin A} + C\,
Nilai sin A adalah \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+4}}
= -\frac {1}{4 sin A} + C\,
= -\frac {\sqrt{x^2+4}}{4x} + C\,

Integrasi pecahan parsial

Contoh soal:
Cari nilai dari: \int\frac{dx}{x^2-4}\,
\frac{1}{x^2-4} = \frac{A}{x+2} + \frac{B}{x-2}\,
= \frac {A(x-2) + B(x+2)}{x^2-4}\,
= \frac{Ax-2A+Bx+2B}{x^2-4}\,
Akan diperoleh dua persamaan yaitu A+B = 0\, dan A-B = -\frac{1}{2}
Dengan menyelesaikan kedua persamaan akan diperoleh hasil A = -\frac{1}{4}, B = \frac{1}{4}\,
= \frac{1}{4} \int (\frac{1}{x-2} - \frac {1}{x+2})\,dx\,
= \frac{1}{4} (ln|x-2| - ln|x+2|) + C\,
= \frac{1}{4} ln|\frac{x-2}{x+2}| + C\,

Rumus integrasi dasar


\int x^n\,dx = \frac{x^{n+1}}{n+1} + C\,(n ≠ -1)
\int\frac{d}{dx}[f(x)]\,dx = f(x) + C\,
\int(u+v)\,dx = \int u \,dx + \int v \,dx\,
\int au\,dx = a \int u\, dx\,(a adalah konstanta)
\int \frac{dx}{x} = ln |x| + C\,
\int a^x \,dx = \frac{a^x}{ln a} + C\,(a > 0, a ≠ 1)
\int \frac{dx}{x} = ln |x| + C

Bilangan natural

\int e^u du= e^u + C\,


\int \log_b(x) \,dx = x \log_b(x) - \frac{x}{\ln(b)} + C = x \log_b \left(\frac{x}{e}\right) + C


\int\sin x\,dx = -\cos x + C\,
\int\cos x\,dx = \sin x + C\,
\int\tan x\,dx = \ln |\sec x| + C\,
\int\cot x\,dx = \ln |\sin x| + C\,
\int\sec x\,dx = \ln |\sec x + \tan x| + C\,
\int\csc x\,dx = \ln |\csc x - \cot x| + C\,
\int\sec^2 x\,dx = \tan x + C\,
\int\csc^2 x\,dx = - \cot x + C\,
\int\sec x\tan x\,dx = \sec x + C\,
\int\csc x\cot x\,dx = -\csc x + C\,