One of the historical sights in Jakarta that would have been visited by the whole society in this city is the National Museum. Because of its strategic place as well, I along with another classmate visited the museum a few month ago. Unfortunately when we got there, the museum is going to be close, so only a few sectors of the museum that can be tracked.
The National Museum, better known by the common people with the name of Elephant Museum, a museum with a collection of the highest in Indonesia. In 2006, the number of collections of the museum's 140,000 units.
National Museum of Indonesia |
Historically, this building was originally built because the building Societeit de Harmonie is situated on the road Majapahit can not accommodate another historic collections. Then in 1862 the building was inaugurated by the Dutch Government as a scientific research center of the Dutch in Indonesia. New in 1868 the museum opened to the public.
The museum is located on the road this Medan Merdeka Barat, have a collection of artifacts including human Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia, archaeological and ethnographic collections, human ceramics, prehistoric, as well as the colonial era. These collections are divided in two areas, in new buildings and old buildings. Because in the old building power fails, I and others decided to go to the new building is equipped with a generator. In this new building there is a collection that focuses on artifacts and prehistoric human artifacts Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia. Precisely on the ground floor, I found an artifact that attracted my attention, fossil of femur and skull Pithecanthropus erectus.
Pithecanthropus erectus or Java man is a fossil hominid of the most tumultuous in the history of the world paleantology. Precisely in 1891 at Trinil, Ngawi, fossil thigh bone (femur) shows that the owner was able to walk upright, according to the Latin name. Eugène Dubois, managed to find them, femur, skull, and several teeth.
Me and The Fossils of Pithecanthropus Erectus |
Compared with its predecessor, they have a more slender body posture. Bony forehead has begun to diminish with the forehead is a bit elevated. Left cheek and right are no longer going forth excessively. In the group of early humans are classified as Homo erectus or tipik this classic, diminution jaw and seems to happen on his teeth. These attributes is a fundamental human characteristic of this type of Homo erectus, a species of people have walked upright. Developments scrambled and erectness posture, are two important attributes in human evolution. Their lives are still very dependent on the resources available in nature, both plants and animals that exist in surrounding areas. They hunt and gather food.
They nomadic odyssey to follow prey animals, or to find food sources elsewhere. In daily life, they have started to make simple tools of stone, such as axes “perimbas” (chopper), “penetak” axe (chopping tool), or “penyerpih” (flake). They apparently also have started to develop a simple procedure society. Men work together to hunt animals, and the women collect herbs or fruits.
Based on its physical form as well as his ability level that was slightly more advanced, Homo erectus “tipik” it may be a successor to Homo erectus “tipik” this may be the successor of archaic Homo erectus in human evolutionary history. And with its predecessor's, perhaps they are descended from Homo erectus groups beginning the first out of Africa, at 1.8 million years ago, then spread, exploring various places, and arrived at the island of Java. At that time the migration of hominids is very possible, because the formation of land bridges during glaciations, have linked several regions on earth.
In 1895, Eugène Dubois returned to Europe and around the continent again to convince the anthropologist that he found the missing link. However, not all anthropologists Dubois initially received interpretation, so he refused others to examine the fossil, although finally in 1923 he was forced to submit.
Pithecanthropus Erectus |
In 1897, the University of Amsterdam Dubois granted an honorary doctorate in botany and zoology, and in 1899 he holds a professor of geology and keep in touch with the anatomy, a field that he wrestled. From 1897 to 1928 he was keeper of paleontology, geology and mineralogy at Teylers Museum, Harleem, Netherlands where he also keeps the fossil H. erectus. Although the scientific debate slowly begins to turn it around 1920 to 1930, he died in 1940 due to liver disease suffered. Eugene Dubois was buried in Venlo, The Netherlands.
And until now, have not found clear evidence that these three bones are found by Dubois came from the same species. A report contains 342 pages were written at that time about people doubt the validity of those findings. Nonetheless Java man can still be found in textbooks today. A more complete fossils were later found in the village of Sangiran, Central Java, about 18km to the north of Solo. Fossil shell of a human skull was discovered by Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald, a paleoanthropologist from Berlin, in 1936. In addition to fossils, many other discoveries at Sangiran site.
Until the findings of other older people are found in the Great Rift Valley, Kenya, the findings of Dubois and von Koenigswald is the oldest known human. These findings are also used as a reference to support the theory of evolution Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Many scientists at that time who also proposed the theory that the Java Man may be the missing link between man and ape man and modern man today. Today, anthropologists agree that the current human ancestor Homo erectus was living in Africa (also known as Homo ergaster).
Me and Nekara |
The museum has a collection of 61,600 prehistoric and anthropological artifacts, and 5,000 archeological artifacts from all over Indonesia and Asia. The museum collections is among the richest, the most complete, and the best of its kind in Indonesia and one of the finest in Southeast Asia. Beside prehistory collection, national museum also has collections of bronze. One of them is “nekara”.Nekara is a large drum made of bronze, waisted in the middle and closed at the top. Nekara found in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Roti, Selayar, and the Kei Islands. Nekara the largest found in the village Penataran Sasih Intaran Pejeng area, Bali. In Alor found a kind of small and slender nekara called Moko or Mako.
Nekara is generally made on the prehistoric Dong Son culture, especially that grown in South China and Southeast Asia, 1000 to 500 years BC. On nekara often found in the form of geometric ornaments, zoomorfic, human, boats, masks, animal motology, and others. As a tool, nekara used for drum during religious ceremonies and is associated with other musical instrument.
Talang Tuwo inscription is a 7th century Srivijaya inscription discovered by Louis Constant Westenenk on 17 November 1920 on the foot of Bukit Seguntang near Palembang.
The inscription was discovered in good condition with clear inscribed scripts. Its size is 50cm × 80 cm stone block and dated from 606 Saka (corresponds to 23 March 684), written Pallava script in Old Malay, consists of 14 lines. Van Ronkel and Bosch are the first scholars that translated th inscription, their works was published in Acta Orientalia.Since 1920 the inscription is stored in National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta, under inventory number D.145.
The translation according to George Cœdès.
On 23 March 684, on that day the park named Śrīksetra was created under the order of Sri Baginda Śrī Jayanāśa. his majesty intention is: May all (plants) planted here, coconut tree, catechu, Arenga pinnata, sagoo, and all kinds of trees, the fruits are edible, as well as haur bamboo, waluh, and pattum, et cetera; and may all other plants with the dams and ponds, and all of good deed that I've gave (contributed) can be enjoyed for the benefit of all creatures; the one that can moved around and ones that can not, and may this would be the best path to achieve happiness. If they were hungry, or need a rest during their journey, may they find foods and drinks. May all the orchard that they have opened be abundance (the harvest). May all kinds of animals that they have kept were fertile, and also their slaves. May the misfortunes would not befell upon them, not being tortured because can not sleep. What ever they done, may all the planets and stars favour their fortunes, and may they be spared from sickness and old age during their efforts. And may all their subjects are loyal and devoted, also may all their friend would not betrayed them, and may their wive are faithful. Moreover, may wherever they were, there will be no thieves, or people that using violences, killers and adulterers. Next to all those (good wishes), may they have a (faithful) friends; may from themselves born the tought of Boddhi and friendship (...) from three Ratnas. And may they always (acted) generous, following the rules, and be patience; may from themselves grew strength, diligence, knowledge of all kinds of arts; may their attention be focused, have knowledge, good memory and intelligence. May they have tenacious tought, with diamond body just like the Mahāsattvas with uncomparable power, glorious, and remembering their previous lifes, with complete senses, fully (beautiful) formed, happy, smiling, calm, have pleasant voice, the voice of Brahmā. May they be (born as) man, with very existence were (a blessing) because of themselves; may they become the vessel of Cintamani sacred stone, have power of (cycle of) births, power upon karma, power upon stains, and may they finally achieved the perfect and grand (spiritual) enlightenment.
Me and Talang Tuwo Inscription |