Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Museum Satria Mandala dan Meriam

Historical objects which I chose for this task is PDR/88 25 mm cannon. This cannon is one of the collections at the Museum Satriamandala.
These cannons are from the United Kingdom, kalber 88mm, and has a weight of 1800 kg, has a barrel-sized panjag 2350 mm, the effective range of this gun as far as 12 250 m, PDR/88 25 mm cannon was donated by the Army.
This cannon used in World War II. Cannon was abandoned by the allies in the area of Aceh. In 1946 the cannon was used against Dutch troops in East Aceh. in 1950, to quell the rebellion Andi Aziz South Sulawesi is used precisely in this gun. Andi is a captain Aziz Royal Netherlands Indies Army, who led the revolt against the government of Makassar in Sulawesi, United Republic of Indonesia 5 April 1950. The purpose of this rebellion was to fight the rebels are "declared" the incorporation of the federation of Indonesia to the Republic of Indonesia.
However, the revolt was canceled after two weeks when the troops under Lieutenant Colonel Suharto and Colonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang arrived in Makassar only to find the light resistance. Aziz ordered the army to return to Jakarta and immediately detained on arrival. In addition to Andy Aziz quell the rebellion in South Sulawesi, in the same year the gun was also used to quell the RMS in the Moluccas. South Maluku Republic (RMS), is a self-proclaimed republic in the Maluku Islands, founded on April 25, 1950. The main islands of Ceram, Ambon, and Buru. RMS in Ambon was defeated by Indonesian troops in November 1950, but continued armed struggle on the island of Seram until December 1963. Then, one year after that, precisely in 1951 the gun was still used to crush the DI / TII in Weak Lanang Mount Srandil, Banyumas
In addition to the above events, in 1952 the gun was also used to quell the insurgency battalion of 426 infantry / Munawar Sala area, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Pemalang and Tegal. In the same year, the gun was used to quell the DI / TII in Central Java and West Java until 1962. Battalion 426 mutiny virtually no escape and adventure rather than the development of DI / TII menjawa middle. Battalion 426 was established in 1945 and named yon sunan Bintoro dikelaten domiciled. Submitted to the mayor Munawar leadership as commander of the battalion. Battalion 426 is a unitary result of fusion of paramilitary troops - lasyakar Hezbollah, which is a unit consisting of fighters - fighters of Islam. Finally, in the progress towards kefanatisme religion. in 426 battalions penumpsan Sala area, then the independent oprasi east to the Air Force for help. And cooperation between these denganAU new AD first time carried out during Indonesia stands.
On 25 January 1952 oprasi-oprasi waged against Simowalen area. The results of joint movement between the AD with the AU is getting very satisfactory results. Because it can kill 40 people from the enemy, 23 people were injured and 32 others were taken prisoner. While from our side only two people who suffered injuries. In the battle of January 25 has been crippled battalion 426. then the insurgency battalion 426 businesses from the Holy can be ended.
The remains of 426 battalions mob uprising under the leadership of captain who is area RI13/ST/13 Alip (yogyakarta-kedu), trying to merge with the main forces that exist in the sala. Rebel forces followed by a number of former members of Muntilan criminal prisoners. after they were armed in the sala, they then do the disarmament of the Car Brigade troops and successfully captured an inspector as well as 10 others. And then toward the rebel forces Cepogo (boyolali), kepurun, kemalang and finally ngupit.
415.412 and 416 battalions have conducted simultaneous attacks against the rebels on 18 January 1952, which led to mob captain Alip many as 200 people mkemisahkan themselves from other gangs, and fled the stricken area Gendol / Mutilan with the intention of holding the balance movement in the area.
Pursuit of the remnants of this gang carried out continuously by Mangkubumi Brigade under the command of Lt. Col. M. Sabrini. And in one battle area Wonosobo, namely in Kaliwiro, 408 battalions under the command of Major Sarjono has managed to capture a gang member and had also killed several people, and as many as 47 opponents had seized weapons. And in this battle of the TNI are in a land that is higher than the position of the horde, so no trouble destroying untiuk gangs. And in the end Alip captain was shot dead on 30 January 1952 for attempting to escape at the time told to show their weapons storage in the area Bandungan.
In 1957, this cannon is used to crush the PRRI rebellion in Sumatra, and in 1958 the gun was used to quell the rebellion in North Sulawesi Permesta until 1959. PRRI / Permesta preceded by the formation of councils in some areas in Sumatra, among others, the Council of the Bull in West Sumatra by Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Hussein (December 20, 1956); Council of Elephants in the field by Colonel Maludin Simbolon (December 22, 1956) and the Council Manguni in Manado by Lieutenant Colonel Ventje Sumuai (February 18, 1957). On the 10th in 1958 founded an organization called the Movement Struggle to Save the Republic of Indonesia, chaired by Lieutenant Colonel Achamad Hussein. Hussein was eventually founded the movement PRRI (Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia) who is domiciled in New York City with Syafruddin Prawiranegara as acting president. Permesta (Struggle of the Universe) the next day to support and join the movement along the PRRI so called PRRI / Permesta. Permesta based in Manado character is Lieutenant Colonel Vantje Sumual, Major Gerungan, Runturambi Major, Lieutenant Colonel DJ Samba, and Lieutenant Colonel Saleh Lahade.
To quell the rebellion of PRRI / Permesta conducted a joint operation consisting of elements of land, sea, air, and the police. A series of operations performed are as follows:
1. Decisive operations targeting Kaharudin Riau led by Lieutenant Colonel Nasution. Purpose agencies and managed to secure control of the town. Pekanbaru on March 12, 1958.
2. Operation August 17 with a target of West Sumatra led by Colonel Ahmad Yani managed to control the city of Padang on April 17, 1958, and master the United Kingdom May 21, 1958.
3. Saptamarga operation targeting North Sumatra Jatikusumo led by Brig.
4. Operation Aware of the objectives of South Sumatra led by Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Ibnu Sutowo.
5. Meanwhile, to quell the rebellion Permesta launched a joint operation with the name of Independence under the leadership of Lt. Col. Rukminto Hendraningrat, which consists of:
• Operation Saptamarga I with the goal of North Sulawesi, Central, led by Lieutenant Colonel Sumarsono.
• Operation Saptamarga II by targeting the southern part of North Sulawesi, led by Lieutenant Colonel Agus Prasmono.
• Operation Saptamarga III targeting the North Island of Manado, led by Lieutenant Colonel Magenda.
• Operation Saptamarga IV targeting North Sulawesi, led by Lieutenant Colonel Rukminto Hendraningrat

Then in 1962 the gun was used to quell the DI / TII Kartosuwiryo in West Java (Operation Barata Yudha). Marijan Kartosuwiryo Sekar founded the Darul Islam (DI) with the goal against the Dutch colonists in Indonesia. However, after getting stronger, Kartosuwiryo proclaimed the founding of the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) on August 17, 1949 and the army called the Islamic Army of Indonesia (TII). Efforts crackdown by the military operation called Operation Bharatayuda. With tactical Fence of Legs. On 4 June 1962, Kartosuwiryo successfully ditanggap by Siliwangi troops at Mount Geber, Majalaya, West Java. Kartosuwiryo eventually sentenced to death August 16, 1962.

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